A different look at footy

A photo of the photographer - Ties Urie.
A photo of the photographer - Ties Urie.

A special project in a university course has extended into a season-long behind the scenes photographic study of Woodend-Hesket’s senior football team.
Ties Urie will end up with thousands of photos which he hopes to condense into a small book. He snaps around 500 photos at each match he attends in what is believed to be a ‘first’ recording a team’s season-long activities in the Riddell League.
“Everyone knows what football looks like on the field but I am trying to show what most people don’t see,” the 20 year-old RMIT University student from Woodend explained.
In his second year of studies for a fine arts degree in photography, Ties decided to target the Hawks’ senior players in a special assignment. He ended up with more than 2500 photos and submitted nine ‘hero’ photos in his studies.
Now he is continuing the extended documentary over the whole season.
“My photos are largely showing the team dynamics, the relationships between players, and the culture and emotions.
“I didn’t wanted ‘staged’ photos and the Woodend-Hesket club leaders and players have been very supportive … it’s been really fun seeing a different side of football.
“I try to document the team aspect, and the individual aspect as well.”
He also enjoys taking action shots of football and other sports. At one match he was intrigued to hear a Hawks’ trainer talk about the threads in football before one match. He said individual threads can be pulled apart, but 22 (players) can’t be!
While his teenage brother Finn now plays in the Hawks’ senior side, Ties confines his recreational sporting pursuits to mountain bike riding which he describes as “a lot of fun”.
He spends time riding in the Wombat State Forest and the new mountain bike complex at Harcourt, and earlier this year won a downhill three kilometre event at Mount Baw Baw
Ties became ‘hooked’ on photography some years ago on a Woodend scouts fundraiser trip to Canberra, and his earlier career ambition to be involved in engineering changed.
His photography skills have led to some professional work locally, and he also supplements his income by working at the Fox in the Chamber Cafe in Woodend.
This Saturday, Woodend-Hesket is at home at Gilbert Gordon Oval for a key match against Sunbury Kangaroos. Ties will be there with his camera.