Curiosities of old Castlemaine

Pioneers and Old Residents Association secretary Wilson Bunton and Castlemaine library officer Donna Steven with some of the curiosities to feature in Chronicles and Curiosities of old Castlemaine.
Pioneers and Old Residents Association secretary Wilson Bunton and Castlemaine library officer Donna Steven with some of the curiosities to feature in Chronicles and Curiosities of old Castlemaine.

There’s the crib board crafted from the timber of a wrecked paddle steamer, the officious rubber stamp and elaborate holder once used to mark urgent yesteryear telegrams from old Castlemaine, and the original 1851 gold licence of one industrious Mr Lillicrap.
They’re just some of the tale-rich treasures carefully held by Castlemaine’s Pioneers and Old Residents Association and about to be brought to life in a special presentation delivered through Castlemaine Library’s events program.
Set for Friday August 3, the free Chronicles and Curiosities of old Castlemaine presentation will feature actors with Castlemaine Theatre Company as part of a presentation led by Castlemaine library officer and theatre company vice-president Donna Steven.
Ms Steven has been busy working with PORA to discover the stories and the people behind the objects held in the association’s impressive collection.
“We will have some actors from the theatre company reading some of the stories of the old pioneers to bring them to life and we’ll be having a look at some of the interesting objects that the pioneers have collected over the years and the stories behind them,” Ms Steven says.
The afternoon session will take place at Castlemaine’s Faulder Watson Hall and aims to provide a glimpse into the social and cultural history of old Castlemaine via the objects that come from the era.
“They all have fascinating stories,” PORA secretary Wilson Bunton says.
“We started in 1880 and our original manifesto was to save, preserve and promulgate Australia’s history – and they didn’t throw anything away. What we have is the genuine thing.”
While Chronicles and Curiosities of old Castlemaine is free to attend, bookings are required and can be made via the library’s website.