Approved plans for a home designed to replicate a Star Wars light cruiser have upset neighbouring landowners.
Macedon Ranges Shire Council issued a planning permit for the house at 131 Pipers Creek Road, Kyneton, which proposes a spaceship build on a lunar landscape.
The house has not yet been built and the property has since been listed for sale with the approved plans attached.
Local resident Anthony Fraietta said the proposed build was completely inappropriate for the area.
“I moved to Kyneton to live in the country and have been here 25 years,” he told the Express.
“It’s just so out of character for the area when you look at all of the existing properties.
“A replica of a Star Wars spaceship would ruin the look of the area.”
Rebecca Stockfeld, council’s director of planning and environment, said conditional approval of the planning permit followed thorough review and consideration by planning officers, including a site visit.
“Two public objections were received on this application during the advertising period, citing concerns primarily around the proposed dwelling’s contemporary appearance, it being out of character for the area and the potential for wastewater management issues,” Ms Stockfeld said.
“To comply with relevant planning provisions, the proposal had to demonstrate that it would not significantly impact the environment around it, including its proximity to a waterway and having an appropriate wastewater management system in place.
“To this end, the proposal was deemed not detrimental to the water quality in the catchment area and would be subject to strict permit conditions, including the provision of a land management plan and vegetation buffer along the Post Office Creek.”
Ms Stockfeld said the proposal’s contemporary design was also a consideration.
“Design is subjective – some may consider this design unique and appealing and others may disagree,” she said.
Listed on May 4 by Brendan Milner and Tim Dixon of Ray White Bayswater, the property is advertised for $1,050,000 to $1,150,000.
Mr Milner said he’d had several people requesting further information around the plans.
“It’s had the most views on a property I’ve ever seen,” he said.
“Once they know it’s been approved by the council, there’s quite a bit of excitement about it.”