Marathon effort

Joel Bertoncini is about to undertake a massive run to raise money for drought-affected farmers.
Joel Bertoncini is about to undertake a massive run to raise money for drought-affected farmers.

Kyneton local Joel Bertoncini is about to undertake a massive run to raise money for Aussie Helpers in support of drought-affected farmers.
The 33-year-old will run a 29-day marathon from Port Augusta to Bendigo arriving on Bendigo Cup Day and finishing on the course.
Joel will tackle 1008 kilometres (42.2 kilometres a day) from October 3-31 with the help of a small team of supporters.
He was inspired to undertake the marathon by his friend Laura Hough whose farming family has been badly affected by the drought.
“It makes you sick in the guts seeing one of your friends go through that,” he says.
With sponsorship from Woolworths, Bendigo Jockey Club, Human Mechanics and Bendigo Stadium, Joel has been hard at it training, running 50 kilometres a week in preparation.
Although now based in Bendigo, Joel is keen to see some Kyneton faces at the Bendigo Cup to welcome him home.
This is the second time Joel has undertaken a fundraiser marathon. In 2015 he ran under the banner of ‘Doing it for Big Pete’ in honour of his friend’s dad, Peter Connor, who died of cancer.
The physical wear and tear from the running has taken its toll however, so this will be Joel’s last marathon.
Anyone wanting to support Joel can go to the ‘Herd to Bendigo’ Facebook page.
A special ‘Herd to Bendigo’ opening night celebration will be held on Friday September 14 from 6.30pm in the Sky Lounge function room at Bendigo Stadium.
The evening will be MC’d by Erin Ryan from Triple M Bendigo with live music by Sherri Parry and guest speakers Lynda Morris from Aussie Helpers and Lance Picioane from Love Me Love You Foundation.
There will be a major auction, silent auctions and a lucky door prize.
Joel would love to see as many local Kyneton faces there as possible.
Tickets are $35 and include a main meal. Tickets available through Joel on 0431 308 899.