Scene set for sculpture

Mary and Bede Gibson at Mica Grange.
Mary and Bede Gibson at Mica Grange.

The sort of vista that stops you in your tracks sets the scene for the well-anticipated Mica Grange Open Garden and Sculpture Exhibition that opens this weekend at Sutton Grange.
Since Mica Grange owners Mary and Bede Gibson held their first such event some five years back, the annual attraction has become a must-do fixture in the calendars of countless art and garden lovers alike.
“The sculptures change every time,” Bede notes.
“We have ceramic sculpture, metal, steel, limestone, copper, tin, all suited to outdoors to complement the garden, and our idea is that there’s something for everyone.”
The 60 or so new sculptures showcased to effect against the Mica Grange garden backdrop represent 18 sculptors, primarily central goldfields based with some also from interstate and Melbourne.
They range from highly affordable, decorative works to large imposing numbers for the serious garden designer with a budget to match.
“They are very diverse,” Mary observes ahead of this unique event that runs over each of the next five weekends – as well as Monday and Tuesday of Melbourne Cup – through to November 25.
One of the main elements that makes this event unique is the landscape in which it is set – a panoramic delight which visitors over the next five weekends can fully appreciate by enjoying the morning and afternoon tea or lunch offered on the deck as an added attraction. The diversity of plants thriving at Mica Grange reflect Mary and Bede’s passion for this garden that they’ve both worked to create over the almost 13 years that they’ve been at this special Sutton Grange site.
“Some of our 400 roses will be out and when they’re all out even I say it’s magnificent,” Mary says.
“We just like to share it with people. We’re very lucky to be here so why not share it.”