As the weather heats up, so too does public outrage at the parking situation at the ‘Res in Chewton (Expedition Pass Reservoir).
The issue of limited parking at the popular swimming spot has been occurring for years, as visitors and residents keen for a dip, park haphazardly on the narrow roadside curb on the sharp bend on Golden Point Road.
One resident took to the Castlemainia Facebook Page on January 1, 2025 saying, “Oh boy! The parking situation around the Chewton res was exceptionally bad today to the point where vehicles were basically parked ON the road, around the bend on double white lines with traffic having to veer into the other lane. Please be considerate about where you chose to park around that area please.”
The post garnered 94 comments from other residents also concerned at the dangerous parking which occurs regularly during the summer months.
One person commented that it was the worst they had ever seen it and another saying, ‘It’ll take something awful happen for any real change to occur’.
In 2021 Mount Alexander Shire Council conducted community consultation about the lack of formalised parking at the popular swimming hole, which is managed by Parks Victoria and situated in the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park.
In April 2023 the council conducted a traffic analysis, funded by the 2020 TAC Local Government Grant Program.
The outcomes of the analysis included; concept design that improves road safety and accessibility of the reservoir, planning approval requirements for construction including a review of cultural heritage and vegetation impacts and recommendations for associated infrastructure to support improvements to address driver behaviour and traffic safety.
The project also provided recommendations for associated infrastructure to support improvements to address driver behaviour and traffic safety.
The MASC website stated, ‘The lack of formalised parking at the site creates risks for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists accessing the reservoir, and is an issue we’re prioritising’. It went on to say that future detailed design and construction will be dependent on funding availability.
In the meantime, the council has been implementing seasonal speed reductions to 40km/h from December until April each year through a one-kilometre stretch of Golden Point Road near Expedition Pass Reservoir, however the signs have recently been spray painted over so the speed limit is no longer visible.