Anti-logging protesters hold up effort

Anti-logging protestors tied to machinery slowed the fire response for Romsey contractor Brad Meyer.

Anti-logging protesters tied to a Romsey contractor’s machinery have hindered bushfire response in Gippsland.
VicForest called on Brad Meyer to aid firefighting efforts last week but six of his machines, including two bulldozers and a harvester, were blocked by protesters at his Toolangi logging coupe.
“We wanted to help with fire efforts but our machines were tied up by protesters. They had a tree-sit and their ropes were tied to our machines,” Mr Meyer said.
He said protesters had been at the Meyer Log Cartage coupe for two weeks protesting logging in the Toolangi State Forest.
Police were called to the scene to move protesters on and free up machinery for the following day. Mr Meyer has since been assisting at firegrounds in Wallaby Creek and Bunyip, along with his son and co-worker.
“It’s devastating to see the farms and properties that have had been impacted,” Mr Meyer said.
“It’s been good to be involved in the fire efforts. We are happy to help.”
Mr Meyer was also involved in firefighting efforts during the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in and around Kinglake and Marysville.
Emergency Management Commissioner Andrew Crisp said an investigation into the protest incident was underway.