Prepare with flair!

Phil Thomas, Tonia Todman and John Mitchell invite you to sign up with a six-week 'Cooking with Tonia' course to learn fabulous and fun techniques!

Have you always wished you were able to prepare wholesome meals with flair?
Sign up for a six-week ‘Cooking with Tonia’ course with Kyneton Men’s Shed and you’ll learn fabulous techniques from celebrity cook Tonia Todman, who is also teaming up with guest chefs Damian Sandercock of Piper Street Food Co and Emma James of Trentham’s Emma James Catering.
But be quick to reserve your place as the course is filling up rapidly, says Shed chairman John Mitchell.
“We have had a rush of registrants during the past few days so if you are considering doing the course you had better be quick. Spaces are limited,” he warned.
The course, sponsored by Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Midland Express, Watts Fresh and Sizzlin’ Sensations, is primarily aimed at single people and couples. Cost is $60 for members of Men’s Sheds and $150 for non-members.
“Of course, there is nothing stopping men from joining Kyneton Men’s Shed for $50, and then paying $50 for the course…. thus saving themselves $50,” Mr Mitchell said.
Held in the new Men’s Shed at 2 Riverwalk Boulevard, Kyneton, the course will run from 10am to 11.30am each Saturday over six weeks from July 13.
“The course is aimed at simple yet healthy, nourishing and delicious food,” Tonia said. “It will cover everything from soups through to main meals, desserts, baking and kitchen hygiene.
“And each week promises to be great fun, educational and very eatable.
“I’ve been looking at a variety of ways in which I can make this course extremely memorable, especially through having participants actively involved in food preparation and cooking.
“I reckon by the end of the course, all the registrants will be able to prepare wholesome meals with a high degree of flair….perhaps then surprising their partners and friends.”
People can register for the course at
Alternatively they can contact John Mitchell on 5422 6465.