A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Friday to mark an important milestone for the long-awaited Romsey Men’s Shed project.
With a lease signed and a building permit obtained, the slab for the shed is expected to be poured within the next fortnight.
Rain on Friday failed to dampen the enthusiasm of those present at the shed site in Romsey Park, next to the scout hall.
“This is going to be fantastic for men in Romsey who will soon be able to catch up with their mates and share their skills in their new shed,” Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said.
It is just over two years since the men’s shed committee was incorporated, and despite some unexpected hiccups along the way, the project is very close to becoming reality.
Ms Thomas said the Andrews Labor Government had been pleased to invest $60,000 in the project, as well as funding the construction of a new shed in Kyneton, and a first-ever men’s shed in Trentham.
The district MP has been involved since the Romsey project’s inception, and said she looked forward to being there for the official opening.
“Congratulations to Patrick (Holt), Steve (Goodman), Paul (Green), Cr Bill West and all the other Romsey shedders on their hard work in getting this off the ground,” she said, praising the executive’s persistence to succeed.
Federal Member for McEwen Rob Mitchell endorsed the comments and reiterated the value of men’s sheds for communities. He was pleased to help with a $20,000 grant.
Cr West said both he and the shire council were very pleased to see the project reach this stage; it would be an undoubted asset for the community.
Men’s sheds promote health and wellbeing and enhance community engagement and are used by men from a range of different backgrounds and age groups.
The Romsey committee has already received welcome donations of tools and equipment, and membership is growing.
President Steve Goodman expressed thanks to all who have helped in any way.