K Hub arrives in Castlemaine

The all-new Castlemaine K Hub opened its doors to the community last week.

Castlemaine’s new look K Hub (Kmart) store opened its doors to the public last Thursday morning.
A Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony was held before the official opening of the new-look store.
Wet weather did not deter shoppers who turned out keen to be among the first through the doors.
A Kmart spokesperson confirmed all 15 former Target Castlemaine team members had been retained and the new K Hub outlet had actually recruited a few new staff members to fill additional roles from within the local community.
“The local team have 103 years of combined service experience between them so our local K Hub customers will be very well looked after,” she said.
Work on the refit of the Woodend K Hub is in the final stages and the store was scheduled to open this Thursday, October 15, at the time of going to press.