A lethal dog attack at a Glenluce property has left 12 sheep dead and 17 others injured, sparking calls for people to keep their dogs secured.
Horrified neighbours rushed to the aid of local farmer Lance McDonald after a woman walking her own pet dog raised the alarm as the attack was taking place on the Drummond-Vaughan Road property last Tuesday morning.
A neighbour later described how the sheep’s owner had been forced to shoot one of the dogs when efforts involving neighbours and farm workers to stop the attack had failed.
“It’s cost him thousands of dollars,” said neighbour Rhonda Martinez who contacted the Express, prompted by a concern to warn other livestock owners – and dog owners – in the area.
“The property is near the Warburtons Bridge free camping ground so just imagine if there were kids around,” Ms Martinez said.
“I think people should really know, and I think it was really lucky nobody else got hurt including the woman who was walking by and raised the alarm.”
Mr McDonald described the two dogs involved in the attack as “bull-terrier cross type” breeds and confirmed that a male dog had been shot dead.
That dog has since been confirmed as being a staffy cross breed.
Mr McDonald said the other dog had been taken into the possession of a Mount Alexander Shire ranger and was currently being held.
“They won’t tell me who the owner of the dogs is due to the Privacy Act,” he said.
Mr McDonald said he wanted compensation from the dogs’ owner for the damage and destruction of his livestock.
“I’ve lost 12 sheep and I’ve got 17 wounded and probably two or three of those will not make it,” he said.
Mr McDonald said that as the sheep were ewes with lambs at foot he also does not know which surviving lambs have now been orphaned as a result of the attack.
“It will cost me $260 in penicillin alone for the injured animals and at least $2400 for the animals that have been killed,” he said.
Mount Alexander Shire Council’s coordinator of community safety and amenity, Jeffry Amy, confirmed that a female bull arab cross breed dog had been seized and in accordance with the Domestic Animals Act was required to be held until the matter was heard and determined in the Castlemaine Magistrates Court.
“Council is finalising witness statements in preparation of a legal brief before the court,” Mr Amy said.
“Under the Domestic Animals Act, the owner of the sheep can claim out-of-pocket expenses including the replacement cost of the sheep and any veterinary expenses.
“The dog owner is liable for two counts of dog attack, causing serious injury or death. The maximum penalty is $6600 per offence.”