Developers have hatched a grand plan for the future of Clarkefield and yesterday began community consultation on their proposal.
APD Projects is overseeing the proposed development of between 350 and 450 homes on 26 hectares of land in the town’s centre that would form the first stage of what its website describes as the “future development and revitalisation” of Clarkefield.
APD Projects plans to lodge a development plan application with Macedon Ranges Shire Council later this year for the ‘Clarkefield Town Centre’ project, which has already attracted some criticism.
The development of the remainder of Clarkefield would require further consultation and a separate approval process to rezone the land.
For the Clarkefield Town Centre and the broader Clarkefield area, APD is acting for the landowners who are Melbourne Lancefield Road Investments Pty Ltd and local landowner Rupert Clarke respectively.
APD director Brad Paddon said they were pleased to welcome the community’s thoughts and aspirations on the future of Clarkefield.
“The community’s comments will inform our plans for Clarkefield and we encourage everyone to take a look at what we are proposing,” Mr Paddon said.
“Clarkefield has a rich history. We plan to honour its past while creating a unique carbon-neutral, transit-orientated, walkable community reflective of the unique landscape characteristics cherished within Macedon Ranges.
“Importantly, we want to offer a diversity of housing choice as well as offering affordable housing options currently not available.”
Mr Paddon said the project aimed to revitalise the town’s existing assets including the railway station, hotel, the sporting fields and create a township with sustainable development principles at its core.
“A key aspect of our proposal is the objective for Clarkefield to be a carbon-neutral town, taking full responsibility for emissions contained in development infrastructure, while also creating a platform for zero-carbon living,” he said.
“After this initial phase of community consultation, we anticipate lodging a development application for 26 hectares of land already zoned for a township at Clarkefield later in 2021.
“The Town Centre application will be an immediate opportunity to demonstrate the vision and principles for the broader Clarkefield development and what is possible for sustainable and low-impact living.”
Macedon Ranges Residents Association secretary Christine Pruneau warned “this new urban grab at Clarkefield isn’t needed or justified”.
“Here we go again, another Melbourne firm trying to convince everyone to back a large, new piece of suburbia by drowning it in greenwash,” she said.
“Galloping urban growth – check out Gisborne, Riddell and Romsey, and Kyneton’s recent, secret elevation to be a regional growth centre – is the opposite of what should happen in this ‘protected’ shire.”
The ‘Shape Clarkefield’ website shapeclarkefield.com.au was launched yesterday and provides a hub of information for community consultation and details of how, where and when people can get involved.
Details of the community consultation program will be advertised in local newspapers over the next few weeks.