A call for kindness

Isabelle is pictured with Kiki - the tiniest lamb Edgar’s Mission has ever rescued.

Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary founder Pam Ahern will lead a series of library talks and virtual farm tours for Be Kind to Animals Week (October 1-7).

The week is a time to reflect on the importance of being kind to animals and demonstrate how simple acts of kindness can have an enormous impact.

Edgar’s Mission aims to exceed 5000 pledges for Be Kind to Animals Week, which is now in its 11th year. This involves a commitment to eat kind by choosing plant-based recipes for the week.

To support participants, Edgar’s Mission is sending out free Kindness Kits along with daily emails filled with plant-based recipe inspiration and other kindness tips. There is also the chance to win a hamper full of ethical goodies.

In the past 18 months Edgar’s Mission, a not-for-profit animal sanctuary, has rescued 196 animals in need. It is home to between 400 and 500 animals at any given time.

This includes orphans like Kiki Dee, one of the tiniest lambs Edgar’s Mission has ever rescued.

“Kiki Dee’s eye had been pecked by a bird, but a kind heart brought her to the sanctuary,” Ms Ahern said.

“After lots of love and care, she is a happy and very affectionate sheep. It just goes to show the power of kindness, and it also speaks to the range of emotions all animals feel, no matter what they look like.”

Ms Ahern will be spreading the message of kindness during Be Kind to Animals Week library talk sessions, held virtually across three Melbourne libraries on October 1, October 2 and October 6.

A virtual talk and sanctuary farm tour will be hosted through the Edgar’s Mission Facebook page on October 1 at 2pm and October 5 at 2pm.

To make your pledge and for more information, visit: bekindtoanimalsweek.org.au