Castlemaine juniors ready to soar in 2022

The Castlemaine Football Netball Club Juniors committee and coaches are looking forward to the 2022 season.

The Castlemaine Football Netball Club Juniors have appointed all coaches for the 2022 season.

CFNC Juniors president Chris Mackenzie said it is reassuring to have appointed their coaches well before the start of the season.

“We have secured a talented group of coaches, all of whom believe that their job is not only to develop the skills and playing abilities of the players but to help the players to become respectful, resilient and responsible children and young people,” Mackenzie said.

The coaches for the upcoming season are: Under 10 Mixed Black – James Collie and Wayne Walsh, Under 10 Mixed White – Sam Speer and Michael Pratt; U12 Boys – Brian Brasher; U14 Boys – Scott Harrington; U14 – 16 Girls – Antoinette Sampson; U16 – 18 Girls Stuart Dunn; U16 Boys – John Watson and Don Moran (joint coaches).

Coaching coordinator Shawn Rixon said the coaching group the CFNC Juniors have assembled can only be good for the club.

“The CFNC Juniors have always been able to attract highly capable and experienced coaches to the club, and the coaches appointed for the 2022 season are no exception,” Rixon said.

When asked why he is coaching in 2022, U16/18 Girls’ coach Stuart Dunn said its a great club.

“I like the club. As a coach I feel supported by the committee, believe that the club is doing all the right things to become a destination for players and families in the area, and I’m very keen to develop our junior girls’ program,” Dunn said.

Stuart has been running a summer program for new and returning junior girls over the past couple of months, which has been well attended. The club aims to field U14 and U16 teams’ next season.

The CFNC Juniors also have a growing committee membership following its AGM in November.

President Chris Mackenzie said he was happy with the number of new committee members.

“What we have now is a committee of motivated and talented people that will not only spread responsibility for the daily management of the club but provide the intellectual capital necessary to take the club to the next level.”

When asked why she joined the committee Simone Fraser said she wanted to help.

“I have a child playing in one of the U10 Mixed teams and thought it was the right time for me to start playing a more significant role within the club. I think the CFNC Juniors are on an exciting journey and heading in the right direction, and I want to be a part of that,” Fraser said.

The CFNC Juniors are based at the Wesley Hill Recreation Reserve, where a brand-new pavilion opened at the end of 2018 providing the CFNC Juniors with beautiful playing and training facilities.

The CFNC Juniors pride themselves on creating a fun and family-friendly environment.

Club treasurer Jason Staples said they want to make sure families and players feel welcome and valued.

“Game days are an opportunity for parents and carers to watch their children play, but it is also an important social outlet, an opportunity to catch up and have a chat with other parents,” he said.

The CFNC Juniors welcomes any child or young person, whether they are new to football or already experienced and keen to progress their footy.

For details contact Chris Mackenzie, CFNC Juniors President at the CFNC Juniors Facebook page and Instagram.