A fun and social evening for men covering topics including men’s health, nutrition, fitness and mental health will be held next week in Kyneton.
Hosted by Tasting Fitness, the Men United event is being held for the second time after an incredibly successful night two years ago.
Kate Coleman created these events to empower men to make positive choices regarding their health, and to bring together the community for a fun night out.
Jeremy Forbes from HALT (Hope Assistance Local Tradies) is the main speaker and will discuss the work that HALT is doing to reduce suicide in regional communities. In 2017 Jeremy captured the attention of 100 men who attended the event with his unique approach to conversations around mental health.
“I’ll be speaking about the importance of talking openly and honestly about men’s health, and the whole-of-community approach that is needed to reduce suicide in regional communities,” Jeremy said.
He will also cover the importance of listening, how and when to have the tough conversations, and the local, state and national support services available.
There will also be other local speakers covering men’s health issues, exercise and healthy eating.
“This event would not be possible without the generosity of the community, especially major sponsors Kyneton Garden Supplies, Vereker Bros Smash Repairs and Barker Trailers, along with Tony’s Place for providing their function room,” Kate said.
The event has already attracted a mix of male attendees including a group of men from Hardwicks.
“After the 2017 event Sam Priestley from Hardwicks wrote to thank me for a terrific evening, and that all the guys from work who attended really enjoyed it,” Kate said.
“Sam asked at the time if I would be running future events, so I am pleased to see that Luke Hardwick and Sam have already bought 10 tickets and donated a voucher for the raffle.”
Men of all ages are encouraged to attend on Thursday March 28 at Tony’s Place at the Kyneton Bowling Club, and there will be plenty of familiar faces there including the guys from Autopro, Landmark and Kyneton Toyota.
There will be a raffle on the night with money going to Lifeline Central Victoria.
Enquiries to Kate on 0404 205 144. Tickets need to be pre-booked by March 25 at www.tastingfitness.com for catering purposes.