Sarah leaves her mark

New CEO for RM Begg Aged Care Kyneton, Meredith Grant (left), with outgoing CEO Sarah Collier.

For 20 years, Sarah Collier has led and nurtured a team of more than 150 staff to create a home-like environment for residents of RM Begg Kyneton and provide high-quality aged care to the local community.
Under Sarah’s hard-working leadership, RM Begg has grown exponentially in that time, and one of her proudest achievements is the new 90-bed facility and 12 two-bedroom independent living units that came to fruition after five long years of planning.
“With no experience being a project manager I managed to work alongside the architects to achieve it!” she said.
Sarah retired as CEO of the organisation last week and board chair Phillip Irvine said the board extended a heartfelt thanks to her for her many years of committed service.
“RM Begg is the organisation it is today because of Sarah’s leadership,” Phillip said.
“We wish her all the very best in semi-retirement and look forward to working with her in her new part time role, supporting RM Begg build its next phase of fundraising capability.”
Sarah now moves to the role of project coordinator two days a week, working alongside the board to gain much-needed funds for RM Begg.
“We’re determined to stay as a stand-alone facility. We’ve got our good name because we’re independent,” she said.
“I’ll be approaching families that have had the experience of having someone cared at our facility and local businesses and government for support also.”
Former clinical care coordinator Meredith Grant stepped into the role of new CEO last week.