Sutton Grange residents have successfully lobbied to have the speed limit on the Bendigo-Sutton Grange Road within the township reduced from 100km/h to 80km/h.
The local community has been lobbying for the change for 20 years.
Mount Alexander Shire Council submitted a request to Regional Roads Victoria to reduce the speed limit, following consideration of a recent petition to council that contained 128 signatures, and RRV approved the request.
Council acknowledged safety concerns raised by residents and supported the view that a speed limit reduction would improve road user and resident safety, without significantly impacting traffic flow or driver journey times.
New speed restriction signs will be installed in the next few weeks.
Sutton Grange resident Chris Moule said he was hopeful the change would encourage motorists to slow down through the village.
“We’ve had a few minor accidents and lots of near misses. People fail to stop at the stop signs, they speed, they cross the double lines,” he said.
“We’ve got a lot of young families out here now, and older residents, and we want it to be safer for all.”
Fellow resident Steve Barty Snr agreed.
“I’m very happy that we’ve had a win. It’s something we’ve been wanting for 20 years. We’ve had a few little bingles, but we are very fortunate that there has not been a major accident,” he said.
Mr Barty said he hoped community members, council and the local landcare group could also work together to look at some pruning or tree removal works to improve visibility for motorists.
“We get a lot of transports along here. It is essential that we improve visibility as much as possible to ensure motorists get a good view of oncoming traffic before attempting to cross or turn into the roadway,” he said.
Calder Ward councillor Tony Cordy said it was a positive outcome for the community.
“The new reduced speed limit will help residents in the township feel safer and will also increase the safety of pedestrians and drivers,” he said.
Council’s director of infrastructure and development Jess Howard said council was pleased to have worked in partnership with the community and Regional Roads Victoria to achieve the outcome they were hoping for.
“This initiative really highlights council’s commitment to improving access to a range of safe travel choices for the community,” she said.
Council and RRV share responsibility for the management of roads within Mount Alexander Shire, with the Bendigo-Sutton Grange Road being managed by council.