Goldfields Libraries are inviting community members to share their experience of life in lockdown.
Contributions will be included in an online blog, printed book and a travelling exhibition.
The libraries are doing their part to record and share our collective experiences of life navigating coronavirus, and have added more than 60 contributions from community members to the library’s blog, with more coming in regularly.
Contributions have ranged from poems to photos, sketches and completed postcards reflecting on what was ‘normal’ before lockdown, during lockdown, and what is hoped will be normal in the future.
Goldfields Libraries’ manager of engagement, Lucy Mayes, said the project aimed to record our community’s varied experiences of life in lockdown.
“We’re hoping to create a really diverse record of this moment in history, and welcome contributions from anyone living in the Goldfields Libraries region,” she said.
“The contributions we’ve received so far are insightful, and we think it’s shaping up to be a really interesting reflection on how the pandemic has affected our community.”
To share your story, photo or other, please email or check out for further information on how you can get involved.
Submissions can also be posted to PO Box 887, Bendigo, Victoria, 3552.