Watts in top 10

Kyneton’s Watts Fresh has been recognised as one of Victoria’s top 10 favourite fruit and veg shops in the recent A better choice!, ‘Retailer of the Year, People’s Choice Awards’.

The promotion had almost 6000 Victorians nominate their favourite fruit and veg shop, with more than 150 fruit and veg shops nominated across the state.

One lucky customer even walked away with a $500 holiday voucher for nominating Watts Fresh, stating they love Watts Fresh for the “variety and friendliness of the staff”.

A better Choice! State Program Coordinator Zac Egan visited the family-owned store to present the team with a certificate on Friday.

Watts Fresh’s Dean and Sherril Lamb were happy to accept the ‘top 10’ title.

“It’s good to be recognised and that what we are doing resonates with our customers,” Dean said.

“A better choice!” is Australia’s national brand supporting independent greengrocers, and educating consumers on why buying produce is ‘a better choice’ for quality, for freshness of produce and for customer service.