Campbells Creek community and surrounds will Pause 4 Parkinson’s to rally behind one of their own with a family day fundraiser on Saturday June 3.
Three years ago, Judy Perry was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that predominately affects the dopamine-producing neurons in a specific area of the brain.
Symptoms generally develop slowly over years and differ from person to person. For Judy, symptoms have included fatigue, shaking/tremors and difficulty with everyday activities like general movement and eating.
“Simple things now take a lot longer. I have ups and downs,” Judy said.
“It’s important for people to know that we may shake or seem different but we are still the same people inside.”
Judy is a mother of seven and grandmother of 18.
Not normally one to step into the spotlight, Judy said raising funds to find a cure and improved treatment long was too important to ignore.
Her fundraiser has a focus on family fun and reflects her positive attitude to living with the disease and being part of the push to find a cure.
“With this diagnosis, it’s crucial to keep going and not give up, enjoy family and friends and find things you enjoy,” Judy said.
“It’s really important to me that people continue to work towards finding a cure and improving the lives of people that have been diagnosed. I would like to raise as much as I can for this cause through this fundraiser. Every dollar makes a difference.”
Pause 4 Parkinson’s will be held at the Campbells Creek Community Centre, 61 Elizabeth Street, on Saturday June 3 from 12pm to 5pm.
The day will include a barbecue, baked goods, ice cream, coffee, raffles and face painting. Judy will be colouring her hair for the event and people are invited to join the cut/colour/shave.
All donations will go directly to Shake It Up Australia Foundation for research targeted at finding better treatments and ultimately a cure for Parkinson’s Disease.
Donations can be made on the day or online via: