Are you worried about your teen and their relationship with drugs, alcohol or vaping? Do you need your questions answered by an expert?
Go along to ‘Parenting in the Modern World’ at Castlemaine Library, a free talk and Q&A that focuses on drugs, alcohol and vaping among young people.
The session will be led by Bron Grieve, community health nurse at Dhelkaya Health.
Bron will deliver an informative talk and share tips, facts and strategies for working with young people.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A panel with representatives from Headspace and the Alcohol and Drug Foundation.
Mount Alexander Shire Council’s acting director of healthy communities, Rosalie Rogers, said this event was a great opportunity for parents to learn more about how to support their teens.
“From a recent survey when developing our upcoming Youth Plan, young people in our shire listed drugs, alcohol and vaping among their top 10 concerns,” Ms Rogers said.
“This session is all about understanding these substances, why young people are drawn to them and how to speak to your kids about them.
“I encourage parents to book a spot for this session. It’s going to be incredibly informative and it’s a great opportunity to ask questions. Plus, it’s free!”
Thursday November 7 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm at the Castlemaine Library, Mechanics Lane.
To book visit: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/parenting-in-the-modern-world-vaping-alcohol-and-other-drugs-tickets-1006554289977