The countdown is on to the staging of the 2019 Lancefield Agricultural Show this Sunday.
A huge amount of work has gone into organising the show, one of the annual drawcard activities in the Macedon Ranges, and it promises to be a family-friendly something-for-everyone show.
“Nearly all the local businesses have been fantastic with sponsorships, and support through major raffle prizes, and we must sincerely thank them and various helpers and volunteers, as well as other organisations,” society president Robert Green said.
“The show helps bring the community together, and we also hope to see many families from throughout the Macedon Ranges and beyond visit us on Sunday.
“Our committee numbers are not large, and anyone who would like to help setting up, and/or packing and cleaning up after the big day will be welcomed.”
The show focuses on what the Lancefield region has to offer, and many local and sporting organisations are involved.
A feature attraction over two days will be working sheep dogs trials, with 220 entries received.
They will take place on Saturday (free admission) with finals on Sunday, with senior and junior sections, with chief organiser Graham Williams, from Broadford, in charge.
For the first time there will be a state-of-origin team challenge between dogs and their handlers from Victoria and New South Wales.
It’s shaping up to be one of the best working sheep dogs trials in Victoria,” Mr Green said.
Then there’s the traditional dog high jumps and terrier races as well! And even a prize for the Happiest Dog!
There’s also sheep, cattle, horses and poultry, with horse events all day at the southern end (trotting track) of Lancefield Park.
Central Victorian Axemen’s Association has an even bigger program than usual, with exciting tree felling championships returning this year.
Many of the woodchop champions from state and Australian competition will be there.
The usual handicap events, plus modified hot saw racing and women’s events, add up to a great program.
Nearby the ever-competitive and often noisy tractor pull should attract plenty of interest.
Amusements, novelties and carnival rides for all ages (you can get a wrist band for all-day rides) are on the program.
Farmer Daryl’s petting farm is back, as well as Wild Action Zoo, and shearing.
Skatepark workshops and a motocross demonstration are also on the program.
The Laurie Green Pavilion is where the large array of homecrafts will be displayed.
The Floyd Black Band will be providing musical entertainment.
Show organisers are hoping for a favourable weather forecast for Sunday.
For more information on the show, visit