Kyneton Community and Learning Centre in conjunction with the Social Foundry and This Farm Needs A Farmer are rolling out a third round of their very successful ‘Skills for Life’ program.
They are now adding an agriculture stream to the program, as well as offering more places in the sought-after hospitality course.
It will launch in early fourth term and promises to see some young people in our region come out with viable employment and/or other pathways.
The courses run for eight weeks (set to begin on Wednesday October 17). It is a two-day-a-week commitment for the participants – one day offsite doing the practical components, either at the Social Foundry or on farm field days, and one day with Kyneton Community and Learning Centre for literacy and numeracy support, job skills and industry based qualifications such as RSA, Food Handling, Barista and White Card.
Participants will also be given Level II First Aid. It is all FREE for eligible participants and is run as a social initiative.
Claire Rawlinson, community development and pathways coordinator for KC&LC, has worked very closely with Bron Burnett from the Social Foundry and Melissa Connors from This Farm Needs A Farmer to make these offerings a reality. All three organisations and all involved believe providing opportunities for disengaged young people is imperative to the health of our communities.
Candidates need to be aged 17 – 30 years, not enrolled in high school and willing to undertake a police check. You can enquire about either delivery by emailing admin@kynetonclc.org.au or calling KC&LC on 5422 3433 or 0436 366 527.