Advocates for women

Neighbourhood House representatives Claire Rawlinson, Mary Hogarth, Michelle Balthazar, Vivien Philpotts, Liza Fernandes, Chloe Green and Raewyn McColley with MRSC mayor Janet Pearce (centre).
Neighbourhood House representatives Claire Rawlinson, Mary Hogarth, Michelle Balthazar, Vivien Philpotts, Liza Fernandes, Chloe Green and Raewyn McColley with MRSC mayor Janet Pearce (centre).

Half the Sky – How to Change the World is a powerful book that will make its way into the hands of many in the Macedon Ranges as part of International Women’s Day.
The book explores barriers to gender equality for women across the world and each local Neighbourhood House has five copies to circulate, purchased with support of Macedon Ranges Shire Council.
“The book looks at the plight of women around the world – some truly disturbing information – then explores some of the wonderful initiatives that are promoting change. The authors have also researched the positives and negatives of avenues of support we can undertake as individuals,” said Vivien Philpotts, Lancefield Neighbourhood House coordinator.
The Neighbourhood House Network has a connection with Elizabeth Morgan House – the peak body in Victoria for Aboriginal women and a peak body responding to family violence.
The books will have a sticker outlining 10 key statistics that demonstrate the gender barriers and disadvantage for Australian women and highlighting the further disadvantage of indigenous women. It will also include information on Elizabeth Morgan House.
In Woodend, a copy of the book can be found in the commuter library at Woodend Train Station and Woodend Library.
“Other copies will be available for loan from Woodend Neighbourhood House and we will insert an additional label in the front for those who borrow it to leave their comments,” said Chloe Green, Woodend coordinator.
Those interested in reading the book can contact their local Neighbourhood Houses. Women can also visit the houses to learn of various support programs, courses and workshops to empower women.
“At Kyneton Community and Learning Centre we are advocates for women’s rights and seek to provide programs that keep local women connected to their community, and help to young, disengaged women find a pathway to education or work outside of mainstream avenues,” Kyneton’s Claire Rawlinson said.