Neglected and ignored – Residents plead for council to close road

South Road Woodend residents Linda Young, Joanne Croke, Megan Atherton and Ned Studley are calling for change.
South Road Woodend residents Linda Young, Joanne Croke, Megan Atherton and Ned Studley are calling for change.

When new housing estates dramatically increase traffic and dust on an unsealed local road should the residents of that road have to pay for the fix?
South Road Woodend residents say ‘no’. They are petitioning the shire council to close their road at the Washington Lane end rather than entering into a costly special charge scheme to seal the road.
The cost for the road’s closure is estimated at about $50,000 while the high-level full cost estimate to seal South Road is $330,000 with the cost to be shared between council and residents who front the road segment.
South Road resident Megan Atherton said she and her neighbours were happy to have an unsealed road but that it was never made to carry the traffic that it now does since two nearby residential estates were approved.
“The road was never amended after new estates opened up and it should never have been labelled a road,” she said.
“We are impacted by traffic and dust enormously. We are unable to open our windows. Our cars, windows, gutters are constantly full of dust.
“Enough is enough! We have been forgotten, neglected and ignored for far too long now.”
Residents say the 50km/h speed limit and warning signs are being ignored, putting safety at risk with a crest in the road and sections where only one car can pass easily.
There is no pedestrian footpath and the South and Black Forest Road intersection is a school bus departure point for about 20-30 children.
According to a council traffic survey in 2017 the road carries about 240 vehicles per day with more than 85 per cent of residents traveling at 50 km/h or lower.
While discussions have occurred between residents and the council, council’s acting director of assets and operations Mark Goode said officers would not support the closure of South Road due to the access issues it would create.
“Closure of South Road to through traffic would impact other users of the road and nearby residents. It would also increase risks associated with emergency management due to reduction in access,” he said.
“Council currently does not have a fully funded program for the sealing of unsealed roads and only undertakes sealing projects when a special charge scheme in implemented”
Mr Goode said the most appropriate solution was to seal the road, which would be investigated if a request was lodged.