Macedon Ranges wildlife rescuers are getting help to animals in fire ravaged areas across northern Victoria – an effort expected to span several months.
Venturing into burnt-out bushland areas late last week, the Terra Mater Wildlife Rescue Crew has begun deploying wildlife waterers and identifying animals in need of care and supplementary feed.
The crew comprises volunteers from the Macedon Ranges Wildlife Network and local wildlife rescuers who are working with Animals Australia and Wildlife Victoria to deliver on-ground support.
MRWN president and crew coordinator Tania Begg said the team was prepared to travel wherever needed including across the border into southern New South Wales.
“Injured wildlife suffering from burns, smoke inhalation and stress related issues need help. The injured animals require assessment, treatment and rehabilitation. Others now face the struggle to find food until the landscape can begin to recover.
“Access and safety is still an issue in many areas, however, we know the surviving wildlife need our help so we will be doing what we can,” Ms Begg said.
Manfred Zabinskas from Trentham East-based Five Freedoms Wildlife Rescue joined the crew over the weekend and will continue with support efforts this week.
Before making the journey on Friday, Mr Zabinskas told the Express he was “deeply saddened to see the huge number of wildlife injured impacted by the recent fires” and anticipated wildlife rescues would continue for months.
The supplementary feed being delivered is covered through Wildlife Victoria and Animals Australia but volunteers on-the-ground are using their own vehicles, petrol and resources to assist rescue efforts. A crowdfunding campaign has been established to raise $10,000 towards those expenses.
“With many volunteers headed away from home, it puts extra strain on the shelters and rescuers still in the Macedon Ranges who are already busy,” Ms Begg said.
Closer to home, at the Pastoria fire ground, the Macedon Ranges Wildlife Network will be making contact with the local landholders to ensure animals receive the help they need.
To donate to the crowdfunding campaign, visit:
If you would like to donate to the local shelters, visit: