Local business offers smart response to crisis

Castlemaine's Elissa Wilsher and Cas Davey of Mulberry's Delicatessen have devised an innovative new way of doing business amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Local businesses are finding innovative ways to adapt amid the current coronavirus restrictions.
One such businesses is Castlemaine’s Mulberry’s Delicatessen, which has been quick to respond to the crisis by developing a new phone and email based ordering and home delivery service.
The innovative new way of continuing to function rolled into action on Friday and Mulberry’s manager Cas Davey said she was delighted at the immediate response and support from customers.
“We bounced the idea around on Monday this week and we started working on it straight away,” she said.
“We took stock of what we had and what we could offer people. There’s a lot of uncertainty in what’s going to happen day to day – even hour to hour.
“It is a work in progress and at this time we’re taking orders by phone – for delivery on a Tuesday afternoon and a Friday afternoon.
“I will be able to do email orders as well for people who prefer to do that.
“We have published a list of all the things we have available on our website at the moment.
“So basically if you’re stuck at home and you really don’t want to go out or you can’t go out we will probably be able to help you out – obviously not fresh fruit and vegetables, but pretty much everything else.”
The Mulberry’s deli and adjoining Togs Cafe are both part of the same family business owned by Ms Davey’s sister and brother-in-law Elissa and Jason Wilsher.
Sadly, like many businesses nation-wide, they’ve been forced to put off some staff while they’ve been fortunate to be able to keep some on – notably including cooks.
“At this stage we’re hoping to be able to keep a couple of people employed on a part-time basis,” Ms Davey said.
And she said that if the new phone and net based order and delivery service really took off, they hoped to be able to start putting staff back on.
“I would think if we can grow the business in our local vicinity we would be able to bring back some of our staff,” she said.
“I just can’t say how wonderful people have been coming in with orders, but also people’s comments and show of support and enthusiasm for our effort has been really touching.”