The Macedon Ranges has recorded two new active cases of COVID-19 since yesterday, bringing the total number of active cases to three.
Victoria has recorded 238 new cases of coronavirus since yesterday, with the total number of cases now at 4448.
Mount Alexander and Hepburn Shires have not recorded any new cases.
Within Victoria, 29 of the new cases are linked to outbreaks and 209 are under investigation.
One new death has been reported since yesterday, a woman in her 90s who died in hospital. To date, 27 people have died from coronavirus in Victoria.
In Victoria at the current time:
– 790 cases may indicate community transmission
– 1931 cases are currently active in Victoria
– 105 cases of coronavirus are in hospital, including 27 in intensive care
– 2488 people have recovered from the virus
– Of the total cases, 4017 cases are from metropolitan Melbourne, while 305 are from regional Victoria
– Total cases include 2329 men and 2109 women
– More than 1,197,300 tests have been processed
Cases currently linked to public housing in North Melbourne, Flemington and Carlton are as follows:
– 247 cases are residents of various public housing towers in North Melbourne and Flemington. Investigations are continuing into how these cases are linked.
– 36 cases are residents of various public housing towers in Carlton. Investigations are continuing into if and/or how these cases are linked.
Cases currently linked to key outbreaks are as follows:
– 150 cases have been linked to Al-Taqwa College
– 33 cases have been linked to Somerville Retail Services in Tottenham
– 29 cases have been linked to Menarock Life Aged Care Facility in Essendon
– 21 cases linked to JBS abattoir in Brooklyn
– 12 cases have been linked to LaManna Supermarket Essendon
– 9 cases linked to Embracia Moonee Valley aged care
– 5 cases linked to Steel Mains in Somerton
– 4 cases linked to Waste Equipment and Hiab Services, Ardeer
– 4 cases linked to TD Cabinets in Dandenong South
– 3 cases linked to Bell Collision Repair Centre in Preston
– 2 cases linked to St Basil’s Homes for the Aged in Fawkner
As interviews are undertaken throughout the day, these outbreak totals are likely to change as the public health team identify links between cases and identified outbreaks.
Stage 3 ‘stay at home’ restrictions are in force across metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire.
“These restrictions have become necessary because of the sharp increase in cases,” said Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton.
“If you live in these areas, there are only four reasons to leave your home: shopping for food and essential items; care and caregiving; daily exercise; and work and study – if you can’t do it from home.
“These are tough measures, but this virus is not selective – it will impact anyone it encounters, and personal contact is the clear source of its transmission. We need everyone to do their part and ensure it is stopped in its tracks.”