Land near Willowbank Road has been secured for a new primary school with onsite kindergarten in Gisborne’s south.
Education Minister James Merlino said the new primary school would open in 2022 and cater for 475 students once completed.
The on-site two-room 66 place kindergarten, with associated administrative facilities and outdoor play spaces is also due to open in 2022, in time for three-year-old kinder to start in the Macedon Ranges.
Every new Victorian primary school opening in 2021 and 2022 will have a kindergarten onsite or next door.
Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said the school was still in need of a name and the community was encouraged to have a say.
Three options have been put forward to help find a name that reflects the school’s unique identity, inspires local pride and that makes the school easily locatable.
The three options for the community to vote on are:
Bunjil Primary School: Bunjil (the eagle) is a Woi-Wurrung word and an important part of Wurundjeri culture. It is seen as the creator of country and man. Bunjil Creek is also located nearby;
Garrong Primary School: the Woi-Wurrung word for wattle, which is native to the Macedon Ranges; and;
Willowbank Primary School: the new primary school is located nearby to Willowbank Road and Willowbank Estate.
“We urge every Gisborne resident to head to the website and let us know what they think,” Ms Thomas said.
The consultation period will be open until Friday November 13. To have their say, community members can visit engage.vic.gov.au/south-of-gisborne-primary-school-naming-engagement.