With the first of the region’s new electric vehicle fast charge stations to roll out at Maryborough within days, advocates are slamming the state government’s proposed new tax slug on EV road users.
“Electric vehicles currently make up only one per cent of vehicles on our roads so it’s far too early to disincentivise their uptake,” Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance CEO Rob Law said.
In recent days treasurer Tim Pallas announced that Victoria would charge electric vehicle owners 2.5 cents per kilometre, and plug-in hybrid owners two cents per kilometre from July 1, 2021.
The Victorian tax would see electric vehicle drivers pay more to state coffers than combustion cars that use six litres of fuel per 100km pay in fuel excise, and has come as a shock to many concerned about the imperative to reduce emissions driving climate change.
News of the proposed slug also comes as the CVGA works in partnership with 12 local councils, and the state government, to roll out a network of 20 to 22 new public EV fast charge stations – expected to use 100 per cent renewable energy – at 18 sites across the region.
The Australian Electric Vehicle Association has also expressed its anger and disappointment at the proposed new Victorian EV-specific Road User Charge.
“It’s pretty dismal,” Mr Law told the Express on Friday.
“We’re now inviting councils to write letters to the state government opposing the move particularly because a lot of councils are looking to convert their fleets to electric vehicles.
“EV users already pay tax so they’re not getting a free ride because fuel excise doesn’t fund road maintenance it goes into general revenue.”
Mr Law confirmed that the contract to install and run the software platforms for the region’s new fast charge stations had recently been awarded to Evie Networks.
He said the new charge station, to be launched at Maryborough on December 18, would be the first of its type in the world and would be situated near that town’s civic centre/railway station precinct.
The Castlemaine area is also poised to receive its new EV charge station – or stations – with the Mount Alexander Shire expected to clarify its preferred site – or sites – in coming days.