Driver trapped in crash at Taradale

Emergency services attend the scene of a crash on the Calder Freeway at Taradale. Photo:

A woman was trapped in her vehicle after a collision with a cattle truck on the Calder Freeway at Taradale yesterday.
The sedan collided with the rear of the truck travelling up a hill in the Melbourne-bound lanes, before being ricocheted into the wire rope barriers about 6.40pm.
The barriers and the damage from the impact with the truck prevented the driver from escaping the vehicle until passers-by assisted her from wreckage.
Police, ambulance and CFA brigades from Taradale, Elphinstone and Malmsbury were quickly on the scene and an SES rescue crew from Castlemaine attended but was not needed.
The driver was treated by paramedics at the scene and conveyed to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. One lane on the freeway was closed for about an hour while the vehicle was extricated from the barriers and towed away.