Austin’s wish to walk

Castlemaine youngster Austin Vearing is just like any other cheeky four year old. He loves cars, is obsessed with trains, jumping in muddy puddles and visiting the local park with his little brother.
But Austin has cerebral palsy; he was born premature at 30 weeks and because of this he acquired a brain injury.
Austin’s parents Katherine and Julian Vearing said Austin’s cerebral palsy affected both his legs and his left hand.
“He suffers from spasticity, a tightening of the muscles, which makes moving, walking and everyday day tasks extremely difficult. This increased muscle tone means he is fighting against his body to move, so Austin currently cannot walk independently. He uses a walker to get around, and relies heavily on his family for help during his day to day life,” they said.
Austin has been accepted for major life-changing operation in the US in June that will permanently reduce his spasticity – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy – and his family has begun a fundraising drive to raise the $97,000 needed to make the make the surgery a reality.
The surgery is performed in the lower part of the spine by severing nerves to reduce the spasticity in Austin’s body.
“The surgery will dramatically change and improve life for our son: it will help him walk independently and enable him to live a pain-free life, with more independence,” Kat said.
The family has raised almost $29,000 since the appeal kicked off in October and needs our help to reach the total needed.
“We held a four-kilometre ‘virtual walk’ in December to celebrate Austin’s fourth birthday and raised a fantastic $10,000, and Julian is planning a 100-kilometre fundraising bike ride in the local region in March,” Kat said.
Community members are urged to dig deep and donate whatever they can towards Austin’s life-changing surgery at
Local businesses are also encouraged to consider putting out a tin and collecting a gold coin donation for Austin.
“Any donations would be extremely welcome. Every little bit helps and we are so grateful for the support,” Kat said.
To learn more about this courageous young man and follow his progress visit the Stories.of.Austin Facebook page.

Determined Castlemaine youngster Austin Vearing is pictured with his dad Julian, mum Katherine and little brother Shelby.
Community members are urged to dig deep and support the fundraiser for Castlemaine youngster Austin Vearing.