Macedon Ranges is assessing its tourism signage to improve visitor experience with an increase in tourists to the region.
The council is encouraging feedback on signage for towns and places of interest and submissions are open March 12.
“Tourism signage is a powerful tool for communities to develop a strong brand for their region, and create a positive first impression for visitors,” said Angela Hughes, director of planning and environment.
“Wayfinding signage provides important information about local businesses, attractions and services available in the area.”
Council is also interested to hear how signage can enhance understanding and recognition of Aboriginal heritage and support initiatives from the council’s Reconciliation Action Plan.
While it is important that tourism signs both highlight and provide clear direction to the shire’s tourism destinations and amenities, where appropriate, creativity and artistic expression may be applied to enhance the presentation of our region and townships.
Community feedback will help inform a tourism signage plan that will guide the council to make well-informed decisions to enhance tourism signage.
Have your say by taking an online survey available at mrsc.vic.gov.au/yoursay