Rubbish in focus

Some councils provide an annual roadside collection of hard rubbish from the nature strip.

Mount Alexander Shire Council is investigating the introduction of tip passes and a potential kerbside hard rubbish collection.

At last Tuesday’s council meeting Cr Christine Henderson moved a notice of motion that council receive a report outlining the estimated costs of providing tip passes to all residents on an annual basis and an annual hard rubbish collection.

Cr Henderson said the issue had been on the agenda for some time but hadn’t made it to this stage.
“It keeps being pushed back to be considered at our next Waste Management Strategy meeting, but I feel the time to look at it is now,” she said.

“Council receives regular requests for these services to be provided so let’s do the work and find out what it will cost and report back at a public meeting.”

Cr Henderson then invited seconder Cr Bill Maltby to take the floor as it was “his baby”.
Cr Maltby said it had long been something residents were asking for.

“Some councils provide their residents with one or more ‘tip passes’ each year, which permit the delivery of a specified amount of rubbish to landfill at no charge,” he said.
“Some councils provide an annual roadside collection of hard rubbish from the nature strip.
“Let’s investigate this properly, get the report and hopefully it is something we can implement,” he said.

Cr Matthew Driscoll also spoke in favour of the motion stating that the dumping of rubbish in the local bushland was a real issue.
“I have come across rubbish dumped in the Walmer State Forest. If this helps to alleviate this issue then I definitely welcome it,” he said.
“It is also a great way of recycling and redistributing items and stopping them from going into landfill. As they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. It think it’s a good idea,” he said.