Swing by the shed

Woodend Men's Shed's Paul Newman and Kevin Davis are pictured with shelves the shed members built for the Neighbourhood Centre's accessible community pantry.

The Woodend community will get the chance to see exactly what goes on inside the walls of the Woodend Men’s Shed when it hosts an Open Day this Saturday.

Shed members have completed another year of productive activity despite the difficulties and interruptions imposed by COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns.

During the course of 2021, the shed completed a number of community projects including the manufacturing of numerous nesting boxes, customised for various species of birds, gliders and micro bats; paper folders for the Rotary Club; Community Food Bank shelves and a Street Library for the Woodend Neighbourhood House; and the provision of wooden toys for children’s charitable organisations.

Shed president Kevin Davis said an important contributor to the ongoing funding of the shed had been the restoration of a considerable number of wooden garden benches with cast-iron ends.

“These are usually donated in a dilapidated state with the timber rotted and the ends rusty,” Kevin said.

“After a clean down and repaint of the ends, new weather-resistant hardwood timbers are fitted and oiled to present a ‘better than new’ product that is sold to help meet costs of rent and materials.

“The shed is happy to show you what they have available for sale, or to assist with items you need fixed so please call us or call in.”

The Woodend community is invited to see the new set up and share a sausage sizzle with shed members on Saturday February 12 when an Open Day will be held from 10am until 2pm.

Members will be on hand to conduct tours of the workshop and explain its operations to potential new members.

The Woodend Men’s Shed is open most Mondays and Wednesdays between 9am and 12pm and welcomes visitors. It operates out of the Old Black Forest Sawmill site at 988 Black Forest Drive, Woodend.

The shed operate as a COVID-safe space and requires compliance with all current COVID restrictions and mandates.