Show your support

Gisborne Foodworks staff are gearing up for Good Friday.

Gisborne Foodworks is getting behind the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal in a big way.

The store aims to raise $35,000 in this year’s fundraising efforts with plenty of fun and entertainment planned.

In store tastings, an animal farm and a special visit from the Easter Bunny will be part of the Good Friday festivities.

Of course, there will be plenty of opportunity for customers to make a donation on the day.

Store manager Braydan Rodgers said Gisborne Foodworks had been involved in the fundraiser since 2011 and team members were excited to continue the tradition.

“It’s going to be a fun day and we really want to encourage people to come along and show their support,” he said.

The store will be open from 9am to 1pm and staff working on the day will be donating their time.

All proceeds will go to the Good Friday Appeal, which supports ill children and their families.