The federal government will invest $15 million to help complete the long-awaited Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Precinct regardless of the federal election outcome.
Liberal candidate for McEwen, Richard Welch, made the announcement on Sunday, making it clear that the funds were available now.
“The community’s long fight is over,” he said.
“No more waiting, no more promises, no more elections. The Liberals are delivering $15 million in federal funding to build the sports precinct now.
“This is the end of long drives to Sunbury. The end of terrible waiting lists. The end of games being shifted due to double booking. The end of grounds becoming unplayable due to over-use.
“This is for every kid in the region who wants to play community sport with their friends. This announcement is the final piece of the puzzle in a decade of advocacy.”
The $15M is in addition to the Victorian Government’s committed $14.8 million, and $10.9 million from Macedon Ranges Shire Council, towards stage one of the project.
Sunday’s news trumped incumbent McEwen MP Rob Mitchell’s pledge last week for the same funding, contingent on Labor securing the Federal election. However, the MP held reservations about the certainty of the Liberal funds.
“The Liberal government handed down a budget last sitting week which did not include the MRRSP,” Mr Mitchell said.
“No minister has confirmed this funding nor has there been information about what funding program it will come from.
This was also announced after the Prime Minister had been to Government House to call the election.
“There are questions that need to be asked – why wasn’t this announced as a specific project in the budget? Why has it taken nine years for the Morrison Government to recognise the worth of this project? And why have they only decided to make promises once they need to garner favour?”
The sports precinct will deliver a 15-hectare regional park providing facilities for a range of sport and recreation activities to be delivered in two stages.
Stage one includes a three-court sports hub, a natural turf oval and sports pavilion, passive recreation facilities, landscaping and associated infrastructure.
Stage two would see three additional sports hub courts, a function room, additional car parking, a practise oval, outdoor multi-sport courts, additional sports pavilion amenities and further landscaping.
Works are expected to begin on stage one next month with completion scheduled for late 2023.
Stage two relies on $15M from the federal government and a further $5 million from the state government, as well as the council’s own contribution to proceed.
Mayor Jennifer Anderson said the federal funding announcements were exciting news and would support a significant project for the region.
“This new multi-facility sports precinct will allow residents to come together for a range of active and sporting needs – to interact, develop and build community cohesion,” she said.
The facility would also be capable of hosting competitions on a regional level, which will provide benefits to local businesses and have a flow-on positive effect for tourism and employment across the shire.
CEO Bernie O’Sullivan said growth was expected and current council-managed stadium facilities were already at, or nearing, capacity for competition purposes.
“The new sports precinct is a big ticket item for our growing community and we have been advocating strongly alongside the community for the funding to see it through to completion,” he said.
MRSC will continue its advocacy efforts for an additional $5M from the Victorian Government required to complete stage two.