Great Good Friday effort

Gisborne Fire Brigade volunteers and helpers were out in force collecting for this year's Good Friday Appeal.

Local fire brigades, businesses and individuals across Macedon Ranges and Mount Alexander have boosted this year’s Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal total.

Woodend, Newham and Hesket-Kerrie fire brigades collected a near-record total of $14,725 including $11,633 for Woodend, $1679 for Hesket-Kerrie and $1413 for Newham.

The Woodend brigade noted an increase in the number of families involved in collecting for this year’s appeal.

The ‘McKinnon clan’, which included 12 young people, collected a total of $4912. The family of Woodend brigade volunteer Paddy Callaghan collected $904 and the individual record of more than $560 went to Eleanor Middleton, closely followed by Alice McKinnon with $560.

The youngest collectors were four-year-old Leo and two-year-old Hudson Kyretses, who totalled $592, with the help of their parents.

Gisborne Fire Brigade collected $17,000 with assistance from Bullengarook Fire Brigade members.

Williamson’s Foodworks in Gisborne also collected an impressive $25,000 – with staff donating their time and efforts on the day.

Riddells Creek Fire Brigade was stationed at Riddells Creek Nursery for the collection and raised $4,387.

Kyneton’s total was $11,812 with collections from Kyneton Lions Club volunteers as well as Kyneton RSL’s $879 and Kyneton Bowling Club’s $510 collections. Kyneton Woolworths also raised $5052 on the day.

“As a group we thank everyone for their efforts, especially Peter Connor and the O’Toole family who collected all over town,” said Kyneton group appeal director Roley Sandilands.

Other Macedon Ranges totals reported included Romsey Fire Brigade: $4491, Macedon Early Learning Centre: $5645, Lancefield Providore: $357, and town totals for Tylden: $1207, and Taradale: $2286.

In Mount Alexander, totals included Castlemaine: $9881, Metcalfe: $2898, Campbells Creek: $4155, Chewton: $101, Elphinstone: $859, and Newstead: $3064.

Local brigades thanked all CFA volunteers, family members and friends who volunteered to door-knock, and all who contributed to the final tallies.

Those willing to make a donation, can still do so online via the Virtual Tin Shake: