Two escaped dogs attacked a flock of sheep at Baynton last week, killing two and maiming 33 that later had to be euthanised.
Farmer Daniel McKenna discovered the gruesome scene on his property last Wednesday.
“It was like a battle scene,” he said.
“There were sheep lying down kicking in the air everywhere.
“The dogs had crushed their spines at the back of the neck or damaged their vertebrae so they couldn’t stand.
“Six wedge-tailed eagles were circling them so I got the rifle and we had to start putting the ewes down straight away.”
Within his legal rights, Mr McKenna found and shot the two dogs, both of which were hunting breeds.
“It’s irresponsible to bring this breed of dog up to the country,” he said.
“If you own these kind of dogs you’re taking a big risk because their natural instinct is to kill and the law is quite clear.
“It’s the responsibility of the owner to contain the dog to their property.”
Mr McKenna euthanised the most badly injured ewes and sought veterinary help to begin treating the wounds of a further 36 of his dohne merino weaner ewes.
“It’s the first generation of pure-bred dohnes that I had,” he said.
“It’s a substantial amount worth of sheep.”
Macedon Ranges Shire Council rangers were able to identify the owners of the dogs from their microchip details, and returned the deceased dogs to them.
“The owners of the dogs are assisting council with enquiries,” said Rebecca Stockfeld, council’s director of planning and environment.
“Council is maintaining communication with the sheep owner to render assistance as required.”
Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, a dog found at large outside the premises of the owner between sunrise and sunset can carry a penalty up to $1090.
Dog attacks causing death or serious injury to an animal can carry a penalty up to $7270.