An accidental olivist

    Rob Pearse is a local leading light of olive growers.

    A local leading light of olive growers will be guest speaker at Kyneton Horticultural Society’s last speaker night for 2022.

    On Monday November 21, Rob Pearse will enlighten the audience about, you guessed it, growing olives.

    His talk is about the journey from virtually knowing zilch about horticulture, to becoming an olive grower. This happened almost by accident, and today, 14 years later, the self-described ‘Accidental Olivist’ has a successful olive business.

    Olive’s Olives was established in 2008 and is a family run, 300-tree grove in the heart of the Macedon Ranges just north of Kyneton.

    Rob now also mentors the owners of several other groves in the region who love olives but have no knowledge regarding the harvesting/pruning/maintenance involved in successfully operating an olive grove.

    The business proudly sells directly to the local community, providores, restaurants, accommodation businesses, and vineyard cellar doors in the Macedon Ranges.

    The talk starts a little later than usual, due to the planting of a commemorative tree in the uniting church grounds at 6.30pm, so it will be about 8pm at Kyneton Football Club Rooms, Showgrounds, Mollison Street, Kyneton.

    Everyone is welcome.