An echidna was rescued from a prickly situation in Hutton Street, Kyneton, last Tuesday.
The echidna was found wandering the car park between the Macedon Ranges Shire Council offices and court and the nearby busy roadway.
MRSC director of planning and environment, Rebecca Stockfeld, said council staff acted quickly help the echidna to safety.
“There were concerns the echidna could be hit by a car due to the area being busy at the time,” she said.
“Council’s local laws officers managed traffic so the echidna could cross safely, however, it wandered towards an open storm drain and eventually curled itself up.
“Cat cage doors and towels were used to block the echidna’s access to the drains.
“Officers were then able to pick up the echidna and place it safely into a plastic carrier using thick leather gloves and a towel.”
The officers contacted Wildlife Victoria rescuers who provided advice about safely releasing the echidna after it was contained.
Later in the day, once court closed and traffic had cleared, the echidna was safely released into a grassed area near the car park.
“This was a great outcome and I commend the quick thinking of council officers to ensure the safety of the echidna and the public,” Ms Stockfeld said.
“Due to the warm weather and being post-breeding season, there may be more echidnas on the move. Residents are advised that if they see any wandering, echidnas should not be moved from the immediate area as a burrow and possibly young may be nearby.”
Wildlife emergencies can be reported to Wildlife Victoria on (03) 8400 7300, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Fact sheets and information about echidnas and other wildlife are available at: wildlifevictoria.org.au