Mount Alexander Net Zero Working Group is a group of seven passionate individuals who are helping local businesses reach 100 per cent clean energy.
To increase their campaign, the group has produced a short documentary, featuring the owner of The Mill in Castlemaine, to increase visibility of local businesses that are taking huge strides towards reaching 100 per cent clean energy.
Owner of The Mill, Phil McConachy, told the Express it was a great thing to do.
“Everyone will do it at a different pace, but we all need to have a go and do as much as we can,” he said.
MANZWG member Terry White said The Mill was one of the biggest businesses in town and was well on its way to being 100 per cent renewable.
“Seeing is believing. The best way to inspire businesses is showing examples. This isn’t an idea but a living reality,” Terry said.
The documentary shows viewers around The Mill and the rooftop solar panels on the historic woollen mill as Phil discusses the benefits and difficulties of their solar system, which produces 200kw of power for purchase by more than 30 tenants.
“When we first bought the site, the biggest expense was the power bill, half of that was network charges so it seemed natural to have solar panels and produce our own power,” Phil explains in the documentary.
“At the start it seemed onerous with 30 tenants we needed to have an independent network manager.
“There are now over 100 full-time and part-time employees and owners on site. Multiple tenants mean the site is a bit like a town within a town so it’s got its own energy, its own soul.”
“We’ve got rainwater tanks with plans for more and waste minimisation, most of the food scraps go to the chooks or compost.
“It’s nice to do something for the town.”
The film was launched at the Theatre Royal in November and will soon be shown in reception at the Mount Alexander Shire Council offices.
MANZWG will soon begin production on their next documentary, featuring another local business and the work they do to produce clean energy.
MANZWG also helps support businesses seeking to reach net zero in a variety of ways; such as promoting the work they’re doing on their website and through the net zero poster campaign.
“We really want to know why people are and aren’t working towards net zero,” member Deborah Pach said.
“And we want to alert businesses and schools about the government grants and initiatives that are available.
“People can save vast amounts of money in the process.”
The group formed in 2019 after a number of the members finished their work on the climate emergency campaign. Each member comes with varying complementary skill sets.
If you’re keen to join the net zero campaign or are interested in featuring their documentary at your workplace visit: mtalexnetzeroworkinggroup.org or email: team@mtalexnetzeroworkinggroup.org