More than 12,000 residential homes and businesses across McEwen will be able to place an order to upgrade their NBN connection to world-class full-fibre as part of the Australian Government’s plan for a better National Broadband Network.
McEwen MP Rob Mitchell said eligible premises in Gisborne, Riddells Creek and Romsey, currently served by slow and less reliable copper broadband, would be able to order an upgrade on demand through their retail service provider once initial construction work was completed by NBN Co.
The federal government’s October 2022 Budget included $2.4 billion to enable an additional 1.5 million premises to transition from ‘fibre to the node’ to ‘fibre to the premises’ by 2025 – more than 660,000 of which will be in regional areas.
The first tranche of eligible postcodes as part of this upgrade were announced by the government earlier this year, with further areas still to be identified.
The government’s investments in a better NBN will mean:
• Close to 90 per cent of the NBN fixed-line footprint will have access to plans based on wholesale speeds of 500 Mbps to close to gigabit speeds by 2025.
• About 80 per cent of all regional and remote premises will have access to plans based on wholesale speeds of 100 Mbps or more by late 2025. This was estimated at 33 per cent in March 2022.
• 93 per cent of all Australian homes and businesses will have access to plans based on wholesale speeds of 100 Mbps or more.
These upgrades will be available on demand where a customer in an eligible premises seeks a higher speed service through their retail service provider.
The government expects NBN Co will identify the remaining locations where it is expecting to deliver full-fibre upgrade during 2024.
For more information on upgrade eligibility and to register for updates, visit www.nbn.com.au/fibreupgrade.