Move the needle men

Chiropractor Dr Bernie Haberman is pictured with client Mark Cheep.

Chiropractic Life Kyneton is hosting a free men’s health evening on Wednesday October 25 with Jeremy Forbes from HALT as guest speaker.

The workshop will discuss common symptoms and health issues that men suffer, and provide solutions on how to take ownership of your health. 

“Being healthy is quite simple, but challenging to apply,” chiropractor Dr Bernie Haberman said. 

“I want men to walk away from our chat with simple and clear cut steps they can take to improve their health immediately. “Of course, there is an important role that chiropractic plays in optimal health and we will explain that. However, taking the first step forward is the only way to move the needle with your health and this talk will give you many ideas on what you can do first.”

Well-known local Jeremy Forbes will also discuss men’s mental health and the work he is doing with HALT on suicide prevention. 

HALT has recently had its funding cut, however several students from Kyneton High School raised money at a community event last year and will be donating this to HALT on the night. 

“We encourage men of all ages to attend and show their support for the Kyneton High School students and their fundraising efforts,” organiser of the workshop Kate Coleman said.

“Regardless of your current level of health, everyone will benefit from this workshop, and it is a great chance to connect with other men in the community.”

Register your interest by calling the practice on 4411 8944 as Chiropractic Life will be providing light refreshments. Alternatively bookings can be made via Eventbrite (search Men’s Health Workshop – Kyneton).