Rationale projects 2021 opening

Rationael founder Richard Parker, CEO Shamini Rajarethnam, former Macedon Ranges mayor Jennifer Anderson and local MP Mary-Anne Thomas discuss plans for the site last year.

Australian luxury skincare brand Rationale has confirmed plans for a new headquarters in Kyneton are progressing well, with completion now projected for 2021.
Plans for the $6 million facility were announced last year at the proposed 14,000sqm vacant site at the eastern gateway to Kyneton.
Rationale CEO Shamini Rajarethnam said the Rationale team was “gratified by the level of support” from the local community, council and state government.
“Having received our planning permit, we are now turning a great deal of our focus to the design of a TGA-approved facility on site – understandably a very complex and finely nuanced process that is integral to creating our advanced, world-leading skincare formulations,” Ms Rajarethnam said.
“We are also privileged to announce that we are partnering with award-winning architect Robin Williams and Australia’s foremost landscape and garden designer Paul Bangay OAM, to help us in the realisation of this ambitious project.”
Ms Rajarethnam said employment opportunities would soon become available and expressions of interest would be welcomed as the opening of the new headquarters draws nearer. Completion is scheduled for the first quarter of 2021.