Walk for wellbeing

Rita Revell, Tim Adam, John Humphries and HALT founder Jeremy Forbes will all be taking part in the HALT Community Wellbeing Walk in 2020.

Castlemaine-based suicide prevention charity HALT (Hope Assistance Local Tradies) is gearing up for its second annual HALT Community Wellbeing Walk and is inviting interested participants to join in the 2020 challenge.
Registrations are now open for the 2020 walk which will take place over six days from March 30-April 4.
In 2019 the inaugural walk saw 10 hardy walkers make the trek from Bendigo to Mount Buningyong.
This time around walkers will be making the journey in reverse and they encourage other keen walkers to join them.
2019 HALT Community Wellbeing Walk participant Rita Revell said it was an incredible experience.
“I had been training for a while, slowly building up my distances. I realised I was walking too fast so I slowed it down and was able to walk further,” Rita said.
“When I signed up for the walk I was comfortably walking around 15 kilometres but I wanted to see how far I could go.
“The walk was a fantastic opportunity because it offers a great supportive environment. We are dropped off and picked up and there is no camping! We billet at local homes or have the option to go home for the night and return fresh the next day.”
Rita said completing the 160km walk was empowering.
“It was fantastic. We’d walk and talk about all sorts of things, fitness and wellbeing, sleep tips. There was a great camaraderie among the group.”
The experience inspired and motivated Rita to take the next step and travel to Spain where she complete the famed 800-kilometre Camino Trail.
“I never would have believed it was possible until I completed the HALT challenge. I’m signing up again because it was such a great experience and it’s amazing to think we have the Goldfields Track and this beautiful bushland right on our doorstep!”
Fellow walker John Humphries said he also enjoyed the experience.
“I’d had a tough couple of years and I really enjoyed the challenge, the great conversation and the encouragement and support.”
HALT’s Tim Adam said it was a great opportunity for people to set aside some time for themselves to focus on their own health, mental health and wellbeing.
“Life is busy. We don’t make time for ourselves but we should,” he said.
Walkers average about 25 kilometres a day on the trek but HALT’s Jeremy Forbes said participants didn’t have to walk the entire distance.
“We had a couple of people nursing injuries last year so they did shorter distances. We have a support vehicle on hand and provide a communal lunch, water and snacks. You don’t need to carry a pack. You just require a good pair of walking shoes and determination!” he said.
A $200 registration fee covers insurance costs.
To register visit halt.org.au or for more information about the walk call Jeremy on 0409 756 274.
A MyCause fundraising page will be launched shortly to allow community members to get behind the walkers. Stay tuned for details.