Local residents have renewed calls for safety improvements to the intersection of Edgecombe Road and Melville Drive north of Kyneton after a collision between two vehicles last Friday morning.
A 4WD was waiting to turn right into Melville Drive about 11.30am when it was struck by another vehicle.
The incident is the second collision at this intersection this year, following a more serious crash at the site in January in which a female driver had to be cut from the wreckage.
Edgecombe Road has experienced significant growth in traffic in recent years since it was designated as an arterial B-Double route.
This particular intersection is a known black spot and local residents have long called for a reduction to the speed limit and the installation of a right turning bay into Melville Drive, which accesses the busy Kyneton Bushland Resort.
“Enough is enough,” was among comments posted to Facebook about the latest accident.
Regional Roads Victoria’s operations manager Barry Green said RRV crews continuously monitored the network and carried out frequent road safety inspections, including on this section of Edgecombe Road.
“Potential future improvements at this intersection are currently being explored and we’ll work with Victoria Police to consider the factors of the most recent crash,” he said.