The Labor Party has announced it will invest $15 million to help complete the Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Precinct if voted in at the next federal election.
McEwen MP Rob Mitchell and Shadow Minister for Cities and Urban Infrastructure Andrew Giles announced the pledge at New Gisborne today.
“I know how much this precinct will mean to people,” Mr Mitchell said.
“For too long our community has dealt with overflowing facilities with so many families needing to travel out of the area for children to participate in sports.
“Rapid growth in population and female participation has put a huge strain on clubs and competitions because the facilities are not there to meet the community’s needs.
“Throughout my long advocacy for this project it has always been apparent that this will be of massive benefit to the Macedon
Ranges community, not just as sport facilities but as a venue for hosting major competitions, for all manner of community groups.”
When complete, stage two of the MRRSP will add to the precinct: sports hub courts, a function room, additional car parking, a new practice oval, outdoor multi-sport courts, sports pavilion amenities and landscaping.
The stage two funding would be in addition to the state government’s committed funds for stage one of the project.
Last week, long-time advocate Tamara Collins told the Express of the dire need. She said local sporting competitions had no way of growing and current ovals were at capacity.
User groups have reported modifying or reducing their programs with inability to access facilities at the frequency and duration required.
Currently, only stage one of the project has funding and scheduled for completion in late 2023 and due to be open in early 2024.