Community calls for action

Campbells Creek Primary School principal Rosie Critchley and Campbells Creek Matters representative Kerin Zable-Brown are calling for council and the RRV to undertake works to make the township safer for motorists and pedestrians. Traffic approaches the Campbells Creek Primary School crossing from a blind bend catching many motorists off guard.

Campbells Creek residents are calling for Mount Alexander Shire Council and Regional Roads Victoria to improve road and pedestrian safety in the township.

Community group Campbells Creek Matters has drafted a petition asking for a number of issues to be addressed and is urging residents to sign the petition and voice their support.

The petition comes after council sought community input via surveys on road safety in the vicinity of the Castlemaine Primary, Castlemaine North Primary and Winters Flat Primary Schools.

Campbells Creek residents were shocked and disappointed their township was left off the survey list.

Campbells Creek Matters committee member, Kerin Zable-Brown, said residents had voiced concerns about traffic speeds and school crossing safety in the town for some time and the organisation had been planning a petition to council. However, when they were left off the survey list this prompted the group to get the petition out and ramp up their push to make the thoroughfare through the town safer.

The petition is calling for council and RRV to:

– Lower the speed limit from 60km/h to 50km/h through Campbells Creek township, except for the school zones during school hours.

– Make the two contiguous school zones in Main Road safer with clearer signage and three sets of flashing amber lights – one set at either end of the two school zones at Campbells Creek Primary School and Olivet Christian College and one set between the two schools.

– Improve the safety of the confusing and hazardous intersection of Main Road and Fryers Road by replacing the two small but inaccessible traffic islands with a large roundabout accessible for those with disability aids and prams.

Ms Zable-Brown said for some years residents had been concerned that the Main Road-Fryers Road intersection was hazardous to pedestrians.

“In addition, motorists find the layout of the intersection confusing,” she said.

“There is also a lot of concern about the two school zones. Many people are upon the Olivet school zone before they know its there and then when they think the school zone has ended there is a second school zone and the Campbells Creek Primary School crossing,” she said.

“Flashing lights would alert motorists unfamiliar with the township and make the school zones and crossing safer.”
Campbells Creek Primary School principal, Rosie Critchley, said traffic at their crossing often banked up and the concern was that vehicles travelling north were coming upon that line of traffic from a blind bend at speed.

“A reduced speed limit and roundabout at the intersection would slow traffic entering the township and flashing lights would alert motorists to the school crossing and school zones and make them safer. Our crossing supervisor has had a couple of close calls,” she said.

Local residents who wish to support the petition can find copies at Campbells Creek Primary School, Campbells Creek Post Office, Five Flags Merchants and Five Flags Hotel.

The petition will be collected after the June long weekend with a view to submitting it to the council’s July meeting.