Plans to partially demolish a heritage building for a new childcare centre in Gisborne will go before the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
The property at 41 Hamilton Street houses a single-storey heritage building, currently clad in pink paint as a former Middy’s site. It was more recently was used a temporary ambulance station.
A proposed childcare facility is for up to 98 children and would involve an extension to the building, with works contained to the western and southern sections of the site.
The design is described as consistent with the existing building with pitched roof form and weatherboard exterior walls. It would also include repainting the external walls and what is described as “minor demolition works comprising internal walls, an external garage and some of the existing roof area”.
The proposal also seeks a reduction in 12 car parking for what is typically recommended for a facility of this use.
The permit will be determined at VCAT following Macedon Ranges Shire Council’s failure to determine the application within the prescribed time.
Councillors determined they would not have granted a permit at their planning delegated committee meeting in September.
The move went against the council officer recommendation for approval but was in favour of 10 objections to the proposal.
Reasoning to reject the permit included noise management, amenity and safety, reduction in car parking, traffic and heritage conservation.
However, council officers considered the proposal overall to be an acceptable development that meets the needs of the planning scheme.
“The proposal provides an additional community service in a centralised location with convenient access to alternative transport methods,” they said.
“The proposal responds to the significant heritage elements of this site and the proposed reduction of car parking is considered to be a reasonable outcome that will not cause any unreasonable detriment.”